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PrimeNano and EAG Laboratories Advance the Capabilities of AFM Testing Services
Posted on October 12, 2020
PrimeNano – EAG Laboratories Press Release
Santa Clara, California – PrimeNano and EAG Laboratories announced today the availability of the most advanced electrical AFM measurement system at EAG’s lab in Sunnyvale, California.
PrimeNano Inc. recently released the breakthrough electrical measurement ScanWave™ Pro system. It offers an order of magnitude improvement for nanoscale electrical measurements over other comparable systems and techniques. ScanWave™ Pro uses scanning Microwave Impedance Measurements (sMIM) to measure the electrical properties of advanced materials.
ScanWave™ (sMIM) is an electrical measurement of permittivity and conductivity at the nanoscale. By combining an AFM image with the sMIM signal, material properties can be mapped to a nanoscale resolution. For doped semiconductor materials, ScanWave™ can measure dopant concentration and carrier type. The long-range sensitivity of sMIM also allows measurements of buried structures.
EAG is a global leader in materials testing services, and the ScanWave™ Pro is an ideal tool for EAG to further enhance its service offering to its advanced technology customers to enable them to understand the physical structure, chemical properties and performance of advanced materials and integrated circuitry.
EAG and PrimeNano will work closely together to advance the capabilities of the ScanWave™ Pro with EAG’s Sunnyvale Lab acting as a center of expertise for ScanWave™ applications in a commercial lab environment.
Eduard Weichselbaumer CEO of PrimeNano Inc said:
“PrimeNano Inc. is proud to announce a partnership with EAG.
EAG is a perfect partner for PrimeNano Inc. We are providing the most advanced electrical properties measurement system (ScanWave Pro™) to the market. EAG is the most advanced Materials and Engineering Sciences company in this market, with the most advanced and diverse customer base.”
EAG Laboratories has been looking to enhance the electrical characterization capabilities of our AFM services for some time, and ScanWave™ Pro offers our clients a new way to determine the root cause of failures and to investigate the electrical behavior of new materials. We look forward to helping our clients advance towards their goals.
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About EAG Laboratories
EAG Laboratories is the global leader in materials and engineering sciences and supports thousands of clients with 20+ locations throughout Europe, Asia, and the U.S. For more information visit EAG Laboratories’ parent company, Eurofins Scientific, is a multi-billion global leader in scientific testing services with a portfolio of over 200,000 validated analytical methods.
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